Couples Who Train Together Stay Together!
- As the saying goes. But is that really true?

Let me tell you my personal story
When my husband and I started dating, he was barely working out. He considered 15 minutes on a cross trainer a serious challenge. I, on the other hand, was doing at least three spinning classes a week, plus weights, running, yoga, etc. At that time – 14 years ago to be exact - he was basically working and I was working out. That means we didn’t spend much of our free time together. But after a couple of months, he started to go to the gym with me…. at first occasionally, and then more often. He was only hanging out in the weight section with the other guys, of course, and then he started to like it - I guess. But I will always remember that one moment, when he, out of the blue, asked at the reception if there was a spinning bike available in the RPM class I booked into, and that was the beginning of a new era. We started to spend more time together… much more quality time!
After a while, we also started to go running. Now when we travel, we always go on a long run to explore the city. It’s not really about the pace or the distance; it’s about having fun together while working out and exploring the area on foot. A run with your significant other on the Copacabana beach or through Paris is so much more enjoyable and fulfilling than running alone. I absolutely don’t miss the days when I was running on my own. Maybe I would jog faster, but that’s not the point.
But why?
I give you three reasons why working out with your partner will help to strengthen not only your hearts but also your relationship.
1. Be happy together
Exercise releases endorphins, which means you are feeling happier. This feeling of happiness will be associated with not only your partner, but also with the act of exercising itself. It will increase your stamina, improve your body image, lift your mood, and make you feel even more attracted to each other. A win-win-situation!
2. Spending more time together
As I mentioned above, working out together means spending more time with each other. Even if it is just a 30-minute HIIT session such as Les Mills GRIT, it allows you to spend quality time together away from family, the kids, work or mundane activities such as watching TV. Sometimes it is hard to carve out that extra time with your spouse, but if you treat your workout session like a “date” and it is scheduled into your weekly routine, it will be easier for you to stick to it.
3. Sharing goals
Together you can go further, run faster and achieve more; the same principle that applies to group fitness. It might be a 5K run, a triathlon, a cycling tour, learning to play tennis or something else. It is easier to achieve a fitness goal when you have someone to motivate you and cheer you on, and with whom to share the success.
But - and that’s a big “but” - there is also the potential to screw it up. So here are three tips to make it work.
a. Enjoyment
Find something you both like, and that can take some time. If you are a runner, but your significant other is a cyclist, find something different to do. There are so many great sports out there, and a lot of them are perfect for two. Try kayaking or climbing, do a salsa class or whatever you both like. Go to that fancy new gym in Sheung Wan together and try a new class there! 😉
b. Have a similar level of fitness
Training or working out together only works if you are on the same level of basic fitness in the workout you choose. If one is super fit but the other is just starting a workout routine, neither of you will have fun. And remember, there are plenty of activities you can do. Just maybe not that Barry’s Bootcamp class you have been doing for years or the marathon you have been training for in the past few months. You could always start something, which is new and challenging for both of you. Working out together won’t make things easier, but it will make you stronger - both you and your significant other – you just need to be patient.
c. Don’t compete
This is, in my opinion, the most important one. It’s not a race; it’s a journey. It’s not about who can run faster, jump higher or score more goals. All that matters is spending quality time together, connecting and most importantly getting fit so you can share a long and happy life together. If you feel like topping your personal best every time you exercise, you’d better do it solo. And that is also true for your spouse, especially if she/he enjoys to keep track of the progress and is competitive. Set common goals that you can reach together and focus on the act of achieving those goals together and not the result itself.
I now really feel like grabbing my husband and heading to the next class together!
I do not know if we are happily married because we train together – but it sure does help.
On that note – why don’t you bring your spouse along to your next class at Project S and take advantage of our new “Bring your Friend” promotion?
I eagerly look forward to seeing you both soon!

from Project S